DARLING PUMPS is a leading Indian manufacturer of submersible pumps, an ISO-9001:2015 company, founded in 1982 under the leadership of Late Shri Avinash B Ranade.
Darling Pumps with it’s market expertise of 42 years has been the chief architect of submersible pump revolution in India. It is the only indigenous pump manufacturing company having entire range of Submersible Pumps under one roof i.e. Pumps for Clear water to Raw water, Dewatering Pumps, Waster water & Drainage Pumps, Non-Clog Sewage & Effluent Pumps, Slurry Handling Pumps & also specialised range of pumps for pumping Sea Water & for pumping Hot Temperature liquids up to 90º C.
At Darling Pumps, we have fully integrated in-house processes, i.e. from R&D to manufacturing & from testing to after sales, we do everything in-house. Our core expertise lies in customizing our existing as well as new products to exacting needs of our customers & for this we have:
- Fully equipped in-house R&D & design centre.
- State of art manufacturing capacity for pumps up to 500HP.
- Fully automatic pump testing lab with capacity to test pumps up to 5000m3/hr
- 100% pump performance testing for all types of pumps.
- Highly efficient customer support team for all kind of “Pre-After” sales services.
In over last two decades Mr. Sandeep Naolekar – Managing Director, with his true grit and determination, has single handedly taken company to greater heights. In short span, Darling Pumps has evolved from being a pump manufacturing company to One stop pumping solution provider.
Today, Darling Pumps is recognized for its undisputed capabilities of – “Designing SMART Pumping Solutions” – S – Simple, M – Maintainable, A – Affordable, R – Reliable, T- Trustworthy
Darling Pumps is committed for Value innovation. We continuously try to create & re-create value proposition to meet dynamic needs of our clients through our Products, Services & Business Process.
In last four decades Darling Pumps has grown richer in experience, from Clear water pumps to Slurry Handling & from Sea water pumping to pumping hot temperature liquids, our expertise lies in providing standardize as well as customized solutions for all kind of water processes.
As we understand water better, so we handle it better, water of various types & qualities.
With our unmatched range of products, today we are catering to entire spectrum of applications in arena of Construction, Industrial, Marine, Municipal, Agricultural and Domestic water management.
At Darling Pumps, we have ability to integrate different systems to provide customized technical solutions. Proven quality and cost effectiveness are just the by-products of integrated involvement and dedication of TEAM DARLING.
Getting richer in experience & seeking problems as opportunities, DARLING PUMPS is geared up to soar high in the realm of pumps worldwide, offering you… BETTER PRODUCTS… BETTER PUMPS…